Research Technician
Having just graduated (master’s degree in environmental sciences – Università degli studi dell’Insubria), he did an internship at ICRA which allowed him to write his master’s thesis. Thesis on the use of conductive materials, such as graphene oxide, during the anaerobic digestion process of sewage sludge to increase methane production and pharmaceutical removal. He is currently part of the ICRA team as a research technician for the MULTISOURCE project which envisages the construction of a green wall, in the city of Girona, capable of purifying waste water.
Casabella-Font O.; Riva M.; Balcázar J.L.; Radjenovic J.; Pijuan M.
Acuña V.; Castañares L.; Castellar J.; Comas J.; Cross K.; Istenic D.; Masi F.; McDonald R.; Pucher B.; Pueyo-Ros J.; Riu A.; Rizzo A.; Riva M.; Tondera K.; Corominas L.