The week of September 5 to 9 saw the annual meeting of the EdiCitNet project, where ICRA is participating as the leader of Work Package 2. After 2 years of celebrating it in virtual format, this edition took place in person in Ljubljana (Slovenia) with all the partners of the Edicitnet project. During a week, the 30 partners of the project exchanged experiences on urban agriculture and nature-based solutions for food production, with a clear commitment to an urban management of water, nutrients and waste oriented towards reuse , thus favoring the transition towards more sustainable and resilient cities.
ICRA organized a workshop to co-design the project platform . A digital tool where initiatives related to the urban food system can meet, exchange knowledge and learn from other initiatives. The platform was born with the aim of integrating all the tools developed in the Edicitnet project and its design and development will be led by ICRA