Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua Recerca i Innovació per a l'ús sostenible de l'aigua

CALL FOR PAPERS: TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. Special Issue: Biosensors & Wastewater

Dijous, 17 Desembre 2020

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry [IF 9.8]. Special Issue – Biosensors & Wastewater

-Call for Papers-

Biosensors and New Analytical Methods for Wastewater-

Based Epidemiology (WBE)

Dr Zhugen Yang, Cranfield University, UK

Prof Damià Barceló, IDAEA-CSIC  and ICRA, Spain

Deadline for submissions: March 31st,2021


Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) has shown to be an innovative and promising tool for the estimation of community-wide health such as drugs, alcohol and tobacco use. Recently it has been emerged as a novel monitoring mechanism for early warning of infectious disease including COVID-19. WBE builds upon on the analysis of sewage biomarkers (e.g. chemicals, biological and genetic materials etc) in a local wastewater treatments plant, which can be used for monitoring of public health. This approach offers a near real-time and cost-effective evaluation of community-wide diseases (e.g. cancer) or behaviours (such as drug-abuse) patterns, infectious disease (e.g. COVID-19) with the potential to influence local, regional or national policy.

For example, if SARS-CoV-2 can be monitored in the community at the early stage through WBE, effective measures can be taken as early as possible to minimize the pathogen spread. Although wastewater is a complex matrix, a range of classical and novel analytical tools have been developed to effectively analysis sewage for WBE. In particular, biosensors has been demonstrated to be powerful tools for both drugs and pathogens analysis alongside with conventional analytical methods. We set up this special issue to bring together a set of review papers on recent progress of WBE from highly active expertise in analytical chemistry, microbiology, virology, and epidemiology and engineering, and to provide new insights and future trends in this fast-moving field.

Lastly, as required for all TrAC submissions, a proposal of your critical review paper needs to be submitted and approved before sending the final paper.
