Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua Recerca i Innovació per a l'ús sostenible de l'aigua

New Open Access Journal: Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Dilluns, 21 Desembre 2020

Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering is a new online only, open access, peer reviewed journal by Elsevier​​. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering focuses upon 8 main aspects of Chemical and Environmental Engineering: Water, Air, Soil, One Health, Resource Recovery, Biotechnology, Energy, and Chemical Manufacturing.  Our journal is proud to be associated with the below top journals, sharing many of their top editors on our editorial board.

The Editorial Team would be pleased to accept any short-format paper that provides a much needed conversation between industry and academia, allowing focussed and succinct papers that easilydigestible, easily understood and applicable to a variety of individuals working within chemical engineering and for the good of the environment.

Co Editors-in-Chief: 
Dr. Damià Barceló, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Spain
Professor Duc Long Nghiem, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.

Associate Editors 
Dr. Satinder Kaur Brar, York University, Toronto, Ontario,
Dr. Maite Pijuan, PhD, Catalan Institute of Investigation
of Water, Girona, Spain

More information in the attached document.
