ICRA ha participat activament en el congrés de la IWA EcoSTP (IWA Specialized International Conference on Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment) que ha tingut lloc del 21 al 25 de juny. La investigadora de l’ICRA Jelena Radjenovic va intervenir en la sessió plenària d’obertura per parlar sobre Graphene-enabled water treatment: main outcomes of the ERC StG ELECTRON4WATER.
En sessions posteriors es van exposar els projectes Vertical constructed wetland for greywater treatment and reuse in touristic resorts: feasibility study (Vosse, J., Estelrich, M., Comas, J., Atanasova, N., Castellano Costa, J., Gattringer, H., Buttiglieri, G.); Fertilizer-drawn forward osmosis for sustainable greywater reuse in touristic Mediterranean regions (Mendoza, D., Blandin, G., Comas, J., Buttiglieri, G.); HYDROUSA project solutions towards water scarcity mitigation and organic micropollutants evaluation for safe water reuse (Castaño-Trias, M., Rodríguez-Mozaz, S., G. Buttiglieri, G.); Waste to bioenergy: Anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse wastewater for bioenergy, pharmaceutical compounds degradation and fertiliser production (Zahedi S, Gros M, Balcazar JL, Petrovic M, Pijuan M.) i Renewable energy from real concentrated municipal wastewater by forward osmosis membrane (Zahedi S, Ferrari F, Blandin G, Balcazar JL, Pijuan M.)