Athens, Greece from 1 to 4 September 2021.
Call for abstracts
The Organizing and Scientific Committee of CEST2021, invites you to participate in the 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2021). The conference will be held in Athens, Greece from 1 to 4 September 2021. The conference is organized by the Global Network of Environmental Science and Technology jointly with the University of the Aegean (Greece) and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece). CEST2021 is academically supported by the University of Salerno (Italy), the University of Cincinnati (USA) and the Imperial College London (UK) as well as a group of distinguished scientists – the members of the Conference Scientific Committee. CEST2021 is under the patronage of UNESCO’s Water Assessment Programme, International Water Association (IWA), A.C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation, and under the auspices of the Municipality of Athens. The non-governmental organization Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW), is collaborating with CEST and offers travel grants to students and researchers from low-income countries.
Important notice: CEST2021 Organizing Committee is watching closely the on-going development of the global spread of COVID-19, ensuring that all the latest guidelines are strictly followed. We wish to be able to organize a physical event, given the fact that the current situation will improve until September 2021. However, the opportunity of a virtual presentation will be provided to the participants
Conference thematic areas and topics
CEST2021 topics will cover all the latest trends in Environmental Science and Technology as well as basic fields of research. The sessions are divided into nine thematic areas as follows: • Water and wastewater treatment and reuse • Hydrology and water resources • Waste management • Environmental management and policies • Environmental pollution • Ecology, environmental change and management • Analysis of environmental systems • Environmental health • Innovative environmental solutions |
CEST Proceedings and publication of papers
Our conference is peer-reviewed. All the papers that are selected for either oral or poster presentation undergo a review process. CEST series proceedings have been included in databases, such as Science Citation Index (ISI) and since 2015, most of the presented papers are also published in cooperating journals – in special issues. Proceedings of 2021 will be published in the Springer ASTI Book Series (indexed in Scopus): The proceedings of our previous event have also been accepted for publication in Springer ASTI Book Series. They are in press and we expect to have the book published in a couple of months. Papers presented in CEST2021, will be submitted for review in the cooperating journals for inclusion in special issues after the normal peer review process of the journals. More information is available at Calendar of main events