Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua Recerca i Innovació per a l'ús sostenible de l'aigua

ICRA seminar: Water innovation and phage research: industry and academia working together to fight antimicrobial resistance.

11h. Sala d’actes ICRA

ICRA invites you to the seminar“Water innovation and phage research: industry and academia working together to fight antimicrobial resistance”

Dr. Ana de Almeida, Marie Curie IF Research Fellow, Quality Area

Ana de Almeida will share ideas and insights gained from over 10-years experience working with innovation and R&D in both industry and academic sectors. Ana will also introduce the project Envirostome*, set to help tackling the global crisis of antimicrobial resistance, side-by-side the water industry.

“*This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement n. 792686, acronym ENVIROSTOME”


Sala d’actes de l’ICRA –16 de Maig de 2019– 11:00am

ICRA – Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la Universitat de Girona – Emili Grahit, 101 – 17003 Girona


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    Dijous, 16 Maig 2019

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