“THE ENERGY POVERTY CRISIS – ENERGY FOR THE MANY” Prof. Paul Lant, Professor of Chemical Engineering at The University of Queensland
In this seminar, Paul Lant will continue David Sedlak’s reflections of personal and global crises. After many years of working as a researcher, educator and consultant in the wastewater field, Paul’s ‘personal crisis’ led him to wonder about global decarbonization and energy issues. This led him to establish a research group (with several more intelligent colleagues) focused on ‘energy for the many’, and focused on the global energy poverty crisis. In this seminar, Paul will introduce you to the energy poverty crisis, present some recent research findings, and reflect on the many analogies between global energy challenges and global water challenges. WARNING: This seminar is not about technology development, it will not include any water chemistry, and it may even include a four letter word – coal!
Paul Lant is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at The University of Queensland. His research interests are in urban water systems, energy poverty, food waste, bioplastics and risk. He is on sabbatical at ICRA from Sept-Dec 2019.
11h- 12h
“RESULTATS FORA D’ESPECIFICACIONS, EN EL CONTEXT DE LA INDUSTRIA FARMACÈUTICA” Sr. Jordi Algaba, Responsable del Laboratori d’Estabilitats del Grup Esteve – Stability Lab Manager per productes Genèrics i productes per tercers. New products. Responsable del Laboratori del Producte Acabat (API), intermedis i matèries primeres.