Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

What is ICRA?

A multidisciplinary center of reference in research into the integral water cycle at an international level.

We investigate the impact of microplastics, the control of pollutants in drinking water and water management in the circular economy among many other projects, and we transfer this knowledge to society and the fabric business and industrial.

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ICRAin the networks

☘How can #NbS tackle water challenges & support biodiversity?

🗓️Join the 9th #MULTISOURCE Splashdown Webinar on Oct 14, 4 PM CET!

🔑Insights from Rob McDonald & Giulio Conte on green infrastructure, treatment #wetlands & smart NbS.

No registration needed👇…

🗣️ICRA participa al congrés internacional sobre sostenibilitat i turisme! 🌍💧Hem parlat de tendències en la disponibilitat d’aigua, sequera, escassetat i el paper del turisme en la seva demanda. #Sostenibilitat #Turisme


Ahir vam rebre la visita de membres de la Secció de Ciències i Tecnologia de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans @IEC a ICRA! 🔬#ICRA #InstitutEstudisCatalans