Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

What is ICRA?

A multidisciplinary center of reference in research into the integral water cycle at an international level.

We investigate the impact of microplastics, the control of pollutants in drinking water and water management in the circular economy among many other projects, and we transfer this knowledge to society and the fabric business and industrial.

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ICRAin the networks

Three @GRECO_UdG researchers (@garciaberthou, Dr. Anna M. Romaní, and @SabaterSergi) included among the World's Top 2% Scientists (Stanford University's list based on a 2% or above percentile rank, or the top 100,000 by c-score). @top2p_sci

🚨📢 Us convidem al pròxim Flash Seminar d'ICRA, el 23 d'octubre!
🌱💧 Solucions Basades en la Natura per una gestió sostenible de l'aigua.
🗓 23 d'octubre, 12:30 - 13:30
🔴En streaming a YouTube:
No us ho perdeu!

▶️Last week, Isabel Cadena (ICRA) presented her findings on urban runoff pollutants at the 28th ISSS!

Using LC-HRMS screening, she identified a wide range of contaminants. Industrial compounds, particularly those related to tires, were the most prevalent in urban runoff.