The kick-off of the project AquaLoops4Med (Mediterranean network for sustainable and circular water management in the agrifood sector, GA 101161349) of the interregional innovation instrument (i3) call was held online on the 1st-2nd October 2024, Girona, Spain.
The call aims to provide advisory and financial support to mature joint innovation projects in joint smart specialisation areas organised in value-chain investment portfolios. AquaLoops4Med, project coordinated by the Catalan Water Partnership, will create an interregional network to foster an efficient and sustainable water management across the Mediterranean, with focus on the agrifood sector.
ICRA-CERCA will work in several work packages including human health risk assessment of crops irrigated with reclaimed wastewater. The ICRA-CERCA researcher Gianluigi Buttiglieri (PI of the project for ICRA-CERCA) participated to the meeting.