Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

What is ICRA?

A multidisciplinary center of reference in research into the integral water cycle at an international level.

We investigate the impact of microplastics, the control of pollutants in drinking water and water management in the circular economy among many other projects, and we transfer this knowledge to society and the fabric business and industrial.

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#ICRATeam 💬 Vicenç Acuña (@VicencAcuna), Professor and ICRA director🔬




🗣️ En el projecte EXPOWASTE analitzem les aigües residuals de diferents barris de la ciutat de Girona 🌆
🗣️ In the EXPOWASTE project, we analyze the wastewater from different neighborhoods in the city of Girona 🌆
#icra #water #waterresearch #expowaste #girona

🎊 ICRA us desitja una Bona diada de Sant Jordi 🌹 📚🐉
Aquest any hem optat per les roses artesenals de la @grupFRN
🎊 ICRA wishes you a Happy Saint George’s Day! 🌹 📚🐉
This year, we have opted for handmade roses from @grupFRN


#santjordi #saintgeorge #icra