ONLINE , November 24-25, 2021
IDAEA-CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), ICRA (Catalan Water Research Institute), University of Barcelona, University of Rovira i Virgili, University of Lleida, University of Valencia, IMDEA Water Institute, UPV-EHU University of the Country Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), ICMAN (Instituto de Ciencias Marines de Andalucía)
BERAQUA-NET is a multidisciplinary network with extensive experience in the assessment of risks of pollution and global change in Iberian river systems. The network aims to generate synergies between different sectors, and especially between academia and researchers and managers directly involved in facing the environmental challenges imposed by global change. IBERAQUA-NET brings together a group of researchers on water and the environment, including experts in analytical chemistry (CSIC-IDAEA, UVEG, CSIC-ICMAN), ecology, ecotoxicology, hydrology and geomorphology (ICRA, UB, CSIC -ICMAN, UPV/EHU, IMDEA, UdL), numerical modeling and techniques (URV, ICRA) and water management (ICRA, IMDEA). From the scientific knowledge generated by this platform, it is intended to collaborate with the managers, in the proposal and transfer of measures and recommendations, to improve the management of rivers in the face of challenges related to global change.
Open proposal of TOPICS for interaction with confederations and agencies
1.Climatic emergency and extreme events Implications for the management of river systems. Mitigation of climate change: prolonged periods of drought and avenues on the management and use of reservoirs. Environmental consequences derived from the new construction of hydraulic structures.
Consequences of the climate emergency for the achievement of the good ecological state; adaptation of indicators, establishment of invasive species.
2. Demographic and territorial aspects of global environmental change. Implications of rural depopulation and pan-urbanization. Regional changes in land use: implications in flows, sedimentary dynamics and the occurrence of priority and emerging pollutants.
3.Adaptation to the new quality standards driven by the EU that affect chemical and biological quality. Updates to the Water Framework Directive (DMA). Relationship between good ecological and chemical status. Implementation of new ecotoxicological indicators (biomarkers, antibiotic resistance genes, etc.). Ecotoxicity of pollutant mixtures. New pollutants: micro and nano plastics. Relationship between hydrology, geomorphology and pollution (transport of pollutants associated with sediments). Combined effects of pollution, water scarcity and climate change. Other legislation of interest existing or in preparation and its interaction with the DMA. Reuse Directive (in advanced state of preparation). Directive on avenues and flood risks (Floods Directive). Drought Directive (in preparation). Habitats Directive REACH Regulation.
4. Implications of the climate emergency on economic activities. Correct estimation and distribution of the costs of use, distribution, treatment and monitoring: institutional division of costs, calculation of environmental costs, Who uses and pollutes, pays?, application of the precautionary principle in the environment. Efficiency in the use of the resource: changes in the supply, losses in the network, reuse. Calculation of the cost-effectiveness of the new measures and environmental policies, including the proposals in the update of the DMA.
From a practical point of view, this conference to be held virtually in Barcelona on November 24-25, 2021 is structured in 15-minute guest talks corresponding to the following parts: i) Physics (sediments, hydromorphology), ii) Pollutants (emerging, priority, nutrients, pathogens and microplastics, iii) Biological part (indicators, invasive species and iv) Integrative part (Global change and multiple stressors).
After each block, discussions between scientists and representatives of the different hydrographic basins will open. Likewise, a part of the presentation of posters of concrete examples or “case studies” developed in the different hydrographic basins is planned. Each poster will be previously recorded on video and will last 5 minutes. The abstracts for the presentations in the form of posters can be sent to the congress secretariat until October 15.
Finally, the congress will close with an executive summary and recommendations that will be distributed both to the representatives of the hydrographic confederations, as well as to the scientists of the congress, the press and “social media”.
We hope that this virtual conference arouses the interest of all of you and we will see you soon in Barcelona virtually at the end of November 2021!
Damià Barceló
Chair of the Congress