Postdoctoral Researcher
Henry Beral has a PhD in plant biology and specializes in nature-based solutions. After obtaining a master’s degree in molecular biology and plant biotechnology at the University of Strasbourg, his doctoral research at the Plant Biology Research Institute of the University of Montreal focused on the effect of vegetation on yield of bioretention cells in cold climates. Henry is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the technology and evaluation area of the Catalan Water Research Institute to study the removal of PMT pollutants (persistent mobile toxicants) through green walls, allowing the reuse of gray waters Henry is a young water professional with 3 scientific reports and 3 published articles, in addition to having participated in 17 conferences. Despite his young career, his work has been recognized on several occasions. For example, in 2021 he received recognition from the Société Quebequesa de Phytotechnologie (SQP) and, in 2022, he was honored by the Center for Biodiversity and Sciences of Quebec for the excellence of his work.