Postdoctoral Researcher
Degree in Environmental Science, with a Master’s in Water Science and Technology from the UdG and with a doctorate in the elimination of pharmaceutical compounds in waste water through proteomic studies. She started the thesis at LEQUIA (Chemical and Environmental Engineering Laboratory) and defended it in 2013 at ICRA with cum laude and European mention. The thesis allowed her to spend several stays abroad (eg Basel, Switzerland) and present the various articles at various congresses, both nationally and internationally. Since then, she has been involved in many projects, even creating her own NGO “EverGreen institute” in the Peruvian Amazon, where every summer she sends science students from different Catalan universities to do internships or TFGs . She has always been interested in the direct application of research to the real world along with sustainability. Since July 2020, she has been the coordinator of the SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance Network in Catalan Wastewater, a pioneering project at country level that has made it possible to place the epidemiology of waste water in the spotlight of Public Institutions, as a valuable source of information to obtain information from the population.