Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

Great closing of the SUGGESTION project

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

On June 21, the project partners (Eurecat, ICRA, Cetaqua, UPC and Associació Catalana de l’Aigua) presented the project in Tarragona in front of a large audience from the water sector. The event also hosted a round table “Closing the water cycle. Challenges and successes in Catalonia” in which panelists from public and research organizations participated. ICRA researchers Joaquín Comas and Wolfgang Gernjak also plan to present the Decision Support System (SAD) at an international level at the Water Reuse Europe conference, which will be held in Girona next September.


The Decision-Making Help System (SAD) is available freely and free of charge on the page

Read the ACA press release about the project:
