Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

ICRA joins World Water Day by highlighting groundwater

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Groundwater provides almost half of all drinking water worldwide, about 40% of the water for irrigated agriculture and about a third of the water supply needed for the industry It maintains ecosystems, maintains the base flow of rivers and prevents land subsidence and seawater intrusion. Despite its importance, groundwater is invisible. And out of sight often also means out of our perception and understanding.

The Catalan Water Research Institute (ICRA) is a center whose purpose is research in the field of water and its resources, among them underground water resources, from a comprehensive vision of the water cycle including qualitative and quantitative aspects.

With this mission, ICRA joins the celebration of World Water Day 2022 , with the motto ” Groundwater: making the invisible, visible” and broadcasts the video of the day it organized last March 17, with the participation of experts both from ICRA and from the university, administrative and professional environment. All of them provided a current vision of the subject, they contributed to spreading the knowledge of underground water and its importance in human supply and environmental preservation. In the same way they helped to address the reality of groundwater at the hydrographic confederation level in the supply, with emphasis on the Internal Basins of Catalonia, and the current challenges of groundwater in the next management plans.
