Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

ICRA RESEARCH: GiroNat. Turn towards renaturation for a more resilient and healthy Girona

Sunday, 24 July 2022

The project proposes an urban transformation that responds to the challenges and opportunities faced by Girona as a Mediterranean, university and educational city, socially diverse, riverside and close to nature (48% within areas of the Natura 2000 Network).

GiroNat is divided into diagnosis and planning tasks, implementation tasks and monitoring tasks. In this framework, ICRA will mainly carry out three tasks: (1) modeling the urban drainage of the city of Girona to determine the most suitable places to implement urban sustainable drainage systems (SUDS), with the aim of reducing discharges in the middle of the unitary sewerage system and with a multifunctional perspective; (2) scientific monitoring of a green wall for the treatment of gray water that will be installed in the Civic Center of Sant Narcís, where the water will be reused to irrigate the urban gardens in the same neighborhood; (3) development and implementation of indicators to measure the improvements in urban sustainability made during the project.

Budget : €4,199,960
ICRA budget : €112,761
Principal researcher : Lluís Corominas
Partners : GiroNat. Turning towards renaturalization for a more resilient and healthy Girona
Call : Grants for the renaturalization and resilience of cities 2021 (financed by NextGeneration EU).
