Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

Seminar: Occurrence of emerging pollutants and microplastics in several hot spots of Saudi Arabia: Bioaccumulation and plant uptake from wastewaters used in agriculture. Dr. Damià Barceló

King Saud University, College of Science, Botany & Microbiology Department,

Seminar: Occurrence of emerging pollutants and microplastics in several hot spots of Saudi Arabia: Bioaccumulation and plant uptake from wastewaters used in agriculture. Dr. Damià Barceló

Thrusday 28 Feb. 2019G- 23 Jumada`II 1440H
10:30 – 12:00 AM

College of Science, Botany & Microbiology Department,
Venue Second Floor, Building (5) Meeting Room 2B 66

  • Date

    Thursday, 28 February 2019

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