Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

Patent DSU: Overflow monitoring system in pipe networks. Inventors: Lluís Corominas, Vicenç Acuña, Oriol Gutierrez. Granted: ES2490065.

Patent MBR Rend-cap device: Self-assembling membrane housing for low pressure water filtration application. Inventors: Raquel García-Pacheco (UdG) and Quim Comas (ICRA-UdG) Jointly with UdG. Application: PCT/EP2021/052228.

Patent_e4H2O_Graphene: Method for preparing sponges coated with graphene, sponges obtained from these, electrodes obtained from these sponges and uses of sponges for water treatment. Inventors: Jelena Radjenovic (Prof. ICREA), Luís Pires, Nick Duinslaeger, Giannis Florjan Norra. Published: EP 3 978 432 A1 – Application: PCT/EP2021/076930.