Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

ICRA-CERCA leads the chemical analysis of shipping discharges within the EU’s EMERGE project

Friday, 15 September 2023

Maritime transport is one of the main sources of marine and air pollution as well as greenhouse gas emissions, and is expected to increase significantly if effective measures are not taken.

In this context, the EMERGE project has been funded under the H orizon 2020 program with the aim of collecting and synthesizing experimental evidence on waste flows to water and emissions to the atmosphere from ships, for different emission control technologies. It started in February 2020 and will end in 2024.

The measurements focused on abatement techniques and the evaluation of emissions to water, air and marine biota. The specific aim of the project is to investigate the effectiveness of available treatment plants to reduce the effects of the main pollutants.

ICRA-CERCA is leading a work package on the characterization of waste flows in water and has carried out an exhaustive screening of pollutants such as PAHs, including alkylated compounds, as well as other compounds of different origin present in greywater. The main objective of the ICRA-CERCA work is to obtain a comprehensive view of the chemical pollution of ship discharges in the studied areas and, therefore, will allow the prediction of the ecotoxicological effects of ship discharges in the marine environment.
