Between July 30 and August 4, the Gordon Research Conference on Disinfection of water, by-products and health took place in South Hadley (Massachusetts, USA) ¨Options and limitations of disinfection and oxidation processes for safety of the water This is the leading international scientific conference in the field of disinfection by-products focused on advancing the frontiers of science by presenting cutting-edge research.
This year, I CRA-CERCA researcher Maria José Farré was invited and gave a talk on the monitoring of dissolved organic matter changes and DBP formation with high-resolution mass spectrometry, a research topic of the national project scan2DBP and European intoDBP.
Ángela Pedregal, PhD student of the ITN inventWater network, gave a talk in the seminar that preceded the conference, on the impact of runoff variability on the precursors of DBPs for better management of water reservoirs ( ).
Mira Celic and Patricia Aguilar also attended the conference and presented posters on their research on organic matter and DBP precursors.