ICRA participates as an associate in I NOWASIA , an Erasmus+ project, coordinated by the University of Girona , within the program of Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Programme , with a consortium of 11 partners from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, France and Spain, and a total budget of €1 million. INOWASIA aims to train a new generation of young water professionals from Southeast Asia, with a strong and multidisciplinary background in sustainable water management, which includes a global view of the current and future challenges of the sector, together with with a very specific focus on local demands and personal skills needed to join and lead the complicated water sector market. Among other activities, INOWASIA aims to: 1) Implement innovative water courses in existing master’s degrees at universities in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. These courses will combine online training with problem-based learning, an educational methodology where the student is at the center, which favors the development of personal skills. 2) Build a network of living labs to implement spaces for co-creation and demonstration of various aspects of the water world, which facilitates high-level practical training, and at the same time attracts companies, citizens and other interested agents. 3) Create an international water resources network composed of students, academics, professionals and interest groups in order to stimulate a transversal collaboration that can provide new and creative solutions to all potential water challenges.