The annual assembly of the EU EMERGE project was held from 7 to 9 June in Helsinki, Finland. The EMERGE project, coordinated by FMI (Meteorological Institute of Finland) aims to quantify and evaluate the effects of possible solutions for the reduction of maritime transport emissions in Europe and to develop effective strategies and measures to reduce the environmental impacts of maritime transport
The ICRA team (M. Petrovic, Sara Rodríguez-Mozaz M. Gros and E. Garcia) leads a work package whose objectives are to collect and synthesize experimental data on waste water discharged into the sea and identify pollutants more relevant from an ecotoxicological point of view. At the meeting the synthesis of the findings was presented (results of the chemical analysis of the wash water of the exhaust pipes, scrubber water, gray water and sea water from five practical case studies).
These results, together with data on air emissions, will be used to develop the modeling framework to assess the mid- and long-term suitability, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and potential impacts of a range of ‘control scenarios of maritime emissions in the marine environment around the European coast