Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

Published the study on the prediction of the NDMA-FP in the journal Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology

Thursday, 16 December 2021

ICRA researchers, Josep Sanchís, Mira Petrovic and Maria José Farré, have recently published the article “Prediction of NDMA formation potential using non-target analysis data: a proof of concept” of non-objective analysis: a proof of concept) in the renowned journal Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.

NDMA is a dangerous DBP included in drinking water regulations. Anticipating their formation prior to drinking water treatment (ie, chloramination) is essential for water quality management and DBP control. The study aims to predict NDMA-FP from natural waters using LC-HRMS-based prediction algorithms, which overcome the limitations of NDMA precursor analyzes and batch chloramination tests.