Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

SAD project on the reuse of urban waste water

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

On May 12, as part of the SUGGEREIX project, a meeting was held between the project partners (EURECAT, CETAQUA, UPC, CWP and ICRA) and the members of the group of experts on water reuse in Catalonia ( Catalan Water Agency, Public Health Agency of Catalonia, Aigües de Barcelona, ​​AMB, Aigües del Prat and AITASA).

During the meeting, the project partners introduced the Decision Support System (SAD) and the knowledge base on water reuse that is being developed in the project. The SAD will be an online tool that will help the user make decisions for an urban wastewater reuse project. After the introduction, the members of the expert group presented their points of view and proposed important points to be incorporated. All the information provided was very constructive and as far as possible will be considered in the SAD.

It is expected that these regular meetings with the expert group will be repeated. In the next meeting they will be presented with the first prototype of SAD, which should allow providing information to the user about possible treatment trains necessary to obtain regenerated water with a certain quality according to the uses to which it is intended.
