Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

Exposure to emerging pollutants in drinking water in Barcelona. Conferences on the BCN WATER Project

What are the emerging pollutants in Barcelona’s drinking water? The #AiguaBCN project team has mapped the city to answer this question. and now the research team wants to make known the main results at a day that will take place on January 18 and 19, 2022.

The meeting, which will take place in both face-to-face and virtual format, will include the talk Trihalomethanes, haloacetonitrile and non-targeted DBPs in drinking water samples, by Maria José Farré , representing the Water Quality Area (QA ) of ICRA.

They organize:

– Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry/Organic Pollutants, Institute of Environmental Diagnosis and Water Studies (IDAEA) Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC)

– Global Health Institute of Barcelona (ISGLOBAL)

Place: Ballroom. Research and Development Center (CID-CSIC) Carrer Jordi Girona, 18, Barcelona (together with Metro L3, Palau Reial) Mixed face-to-face and online event, broadcast in streaming.

Free registration (in person or online) . Limited capacity according to the evolution of the health situation Confirmation of attendance is essential.