What are the emerging pollutants in Barcelona’s drinking water? The #AiguaBCN project team has mapped the city to answer this question. and now the research team wants to make known the main results at a day that will take place on January 18 and 19, 2022.
The meeting, which will take place in both face-to-face and virtual format, will include the talk Trihalomethanes, haloacetonitrile and non-targeted DBPs in drinking water samples, by Maria José Farré , representing the Water Quality Area (QA ) of ICRA.
They organize:
– Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry/Organic Pollutants, Institute of Environmental Diagnosis and Water Studies (IDAEA) Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC)
– Global Health Institute of Barcelona (ISGLOBAL)
Place: Ballroom. Research and Development Center (CID-CSIC) Carrer Jordi Girona, 18, Barcelona (together with Metro L3, Palau Reial) Mixed face-to-face and online event, broadcast in streaming.
Free registration (in person or online) . Limited capacity according to the evolution of the health situation Confirmation of attendance is essential.