Research Professor Associated
Jelena Radjenovic is ICREA Research Professor. She is an expert in the development of nanostructured materials, electrochemical wastewater treatment systems, advanced wastewater treatment technologies, and organic micropollutant analysis, including high-resolution mass spectrometry. She is the recipient of an ERC grant (Starting, Proof of Concept) and leader of a research line AIII: Next-generation solutions and water treatment technologies inspired by nature, in the Technology and Evaluation Area of ICRA. She obtained his doctorate in 2009 in Environmental Chemistry at the University of Barcelona, with a focus on the removal and mechanistic studies of persistent organic pollutants in advanced biological and physico-chemical water treatments. From 2009 to 2014 she was a researcher at the Advanced Water Management Center (AWMC) of the University of Queensland, where she was dedicated to the research and development of electrochemical water treatment systems. From 2014 until today, she is a researcher at ICRA. She has received several highly competitive grants in Australia (Early Career Smart Future Fellowship) and Europe (Marie Curie IIF, Ramon y Cajal). She was awarded the National Research Award of Catalonia for Young Talents in 2021. She is principal researcher of several projects in Spain and the European Union. She is editor of the Journal of Hazardous Materials. She currently leads a research group dedicated to graphene-enhanced wastewater treatment and the development of nanostructured materials for the electrochemical treatment of water and wastewater.
Ponzelli M.; Koch K.; Drewes J.E.; Radjenovic J.; Vinardell S.
Ormeño-Cano N.; Radjenovic J.
Jiang W.; Duan Y.; Bandaru S.R.S.; Radjenovic J.; Sedlak D.L.; Mi B.
Personal adjacent: Radjenovic, Jelena ,Duinslaeger, Nick
Personal: Radjenovic, Jelena ,Duinslaeger, Nick ,Segués Codina, Anna
Personal adjacent: Radjenovic, Jelena
Personal: Radjenovic, Jelena ,Cuervo Lumbaque, Elisabeth
Personal adjacent: Cuervo Lumbaque, Elisabeth