The increase in water demand and the decrease in the natural availability of fresh water lead to an increase in water stress in the Mediterranean region and other areas characterized by water scarcity. The availability and safety of alternative water sources are the focus of numerous ongoing research activities. Nature-based solutions ( NBS ) such as constructed wetlands, ponds and green walls have emerged as alternatives to facilitate water reuse. However, most of the studies are still done on a pilot scale and there is a lack of information with real waters and conditions .
Between the months of August and October, the researcher of the Technology and Evaluation ( TiA) area of the ICRA, Gianluigi Buttiglieri carried out the ” José Castillejo ” stay in Greece with the aim of getting to know, work and sample NBS, but also other treatment technologies and solutions for the collection, treatment and reuse of real water (waste, grey, rain, sea). All framed in the context of the circular economy in areas characterized by water scarcity and to study organic micropollutants, both in water and in soil and in crops irrigated with regenerated water.
During the stay, various technological solutions were visited on the three islands of Lesbos , Mykonos and Tinos and sampling was carried out on Lesbos. The stay was part of the European project HYDROUSA () led by the NTUA of Athens (prof. Malamis, Mamais, Noutsopoulos) and with the collaboration of many local and international actors.