Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water

Two ICRA researchers, among the top scientists in Spain according to the international ranking

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

– Damià Barceló, director of the ICRA, and Mira Petrovic, head of the Water Quality and Safety Area of ​​the ICRA, occupy the number 4 position in Spain. Barceló in the general ranking that classifies the best scientists in the world and Petrovic in the specific category of best scientists in the world.

– Ranking by, the leading academic platform for researchers, after analyzing more than 166,000 profiles of scientists from around the world

– The list of the best female scientists in the world 2022 by aims to offer more visibility to the scientific achievements of women “although in the general ranking by country, in which we appear 7 Spanish scientists, it is significant that there is no woman – regrets Damià Barceló. In this sense, it is necessary to continue working to provide more equal opportunities for women in science”.

– For Mira Petrovic: “The low presence of women among the best scientists in Spain is worrying, but the situation is not better in other European countries (…) It is sad but for every female scientist there are 10 male scientists in the rankings” – assures the head of the Water Quality and Safety Area of ​​the ICRA.

Two researchers from the Catalan Water Research Institute (ICRA) are listed as the fourth best scientists in Spain, according to , the leading academic platform for researchers. Damià Barceló , director of ICRA, in the general ranking, which classifies the best scientists in the world, and Mira Petrovic , head of ICRA’s Water Quality and Safety Area, in the specific category of best scientists in the world 2022.

More than 166,000 scientist profiles have been analyzed to formulate a ranking that is performed according to the H-index metric provided by Microsoft Academic Graph. This makes ICRA one of the institutions with more researchers in the highest places of this ranking, and reinforces the leading position of the entity in the Spanish scientific panorama.

Damià Barceló, director of ICRA and researcher of environmental problems in the field of water quality

The director of the ICRA, Damià Barceló, is placed in position number 4 in Spain and 419 in the world in a classification that gives an overview of the current state of research by the main scholars of the your field This is a ranking shared regularly by leading universities around the world such as MIT, Harvard, Oxford and the University of Cambridge.

Barceló has more than 40 years of career dedicated to Environmental Chemistry and his work to solve the main problems in the field of water quality is momentous. His most important contributions have been particularly related to the development of methods to control organic pollution from so-called “emerging pollutants” (polar pesticides, surfactants – detergents -, endocrine disruptors and pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs and nanomaterials based on carbon or fullerenes, in waste and natural waters).

Over the last ten years, his research has produced key results at an international level that has provided valuable monitoring data for surface, wastewater and groundwater risk assessment, as well as advanced results in risk studies and remediation of emerging pollutants.

In addition, since 2010 he has been listed among the most internationally cited scientists (ISI Highly Cited), due to the number and exceptional quality of his publications, with a Hirsch index of 141 (113) and a total number of citations greater than 92 .7 thousand (> 62 k) and more than 1380 publications (source Google Scholar on 07/10/2019, Scopus).

The full World Ranking is available here:

Mira Petrovic, researcher on the behavior of emerging organic pollutants in wastewater and drinking water treatments

For her part, Mira Petrovic, head of ICRA’s Water Quality and Safety Area and ICREA researcher, also ranks fourth in Spain and 433rd in the world in the ranking of the best female researchers. The idea behind this ranking of women scientists is to offer more visibility to the scientific achievements of women, and to show that they deserve the same opportunities to be represented and praised for their work.

ICREA Research Professor, Petrovic holds a degree in Chemical Engineering, (1988), MSc in Environmental Chemistry (1991) and PhD in Chemical Sciences (1995) from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. His main field of research is the study of the destination and behavior of emerging organic pollutants (drugs and endocrine disruptors) in wastewater and drinking water treatments. The specific lines of research include the study of biotic and abiotic transformations of emerging pollutants, identification of transformation products, elucidation of transformation pathways, study of the presence and distribution of emerging pollutants in the aquatic environment and environmental risk assessment.

The research area led by Petrovic seeks to provide a complete and efficient response to the problems and challenges related to water quality, particularly in the Mediterranean area.

The full global ranking is available here:

Recognition of women scientists

As explained in the description of the World Ranking of Women Scientists: “We are painfully aware that academic research remains a predominantly male profession (…). Our goal is to inspire women considering a scientific career and decision-makers around the world with the example of successful women in the scientific community.”

With this ranking, seeks to offer more visibility to the scientific achievements of women “even though in the general ranking by country, in which we appear 7 Spanish scientists, it is significant that there is no woman – regrets the director of ICRA – . In this sense, it is necessary to continue working to provide more equal opportunities for women in science”.

For Mira Petrovic: “The low presence of women among the best scientists in Spain is worrying, but the situation is not better in other European countries. If we look at rankings, for example in the area of ​​Chemistry in Germany, the first woman occupies the 43rd place, and in France and Belgium there are no women in the first 15 positions. In Environmental Sciences the situation is a little better but there are only between 1 and 3 women in the first 20 positions. In Spain in both categories I am the only woman in the first 15 places (5 and 6, respectively) It is sad but for every female scientist there are 10 male scientists in the rankings” – assures the head of the Quality and Safety Area of ​​the ICRA water.

About the Catalan Water Research Institute (ICRA)

ICRA is a multidisciplinary water research center created on October 26, 2006, by the government of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In addition, it is a CERCA center attached to the UdG and has the impetus of its patrons: the Department of Research and Universities, the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and the University of Girona (UdG).

It is an international point of reference that is committed to the research of the integral cycle of water, in terms of water resources, water quality, in the broadest sense of the word (chemical, microbiological, ecological, etc.) and technologies of treatment and evaluation and the transfer of this knowledge to society and the business and industrial fabric.

The research carried out there refers to all aspects related to water, especially those related to its rational use and the effects of human activity on water resources.
