Catalan Water Research Institute research and innovation for the sustainable use of water



  • Location: ICRA – Catalan Water Research Institute Foundation, Girona (Spain)
  • Number of positions available: 1
  • Scheduled start: 01/04/2025
  • Temporary Position. The position is for 36 months (extendable annually until the end of the project)
  • Annual Gross Salary: €29,900 – €35,650



ICRA is seeking to incorporate a postdoctoral research fellow position in the scope of the ERC Consolidator Grant ELECTROmonoLITH – Selective electrochemical separation and recovery of lithium and other metals using tailored monolith electrodes, led by Prof. Jelena Radjenovic. The Project has received funding from Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101125304.

The successful applicant is expected to conduct independent research on the project and work closely with other postdoctoral research fellows and PhD students working on the project. The scholar will also be exposed to a multidisciplinary research environment at ICRA, and potentially involved in other ongoing projects.

We are strongly encouraging applications from researchers with experience in additive manufacturing, material science, environmental electrochemistry, electrochemical water treatment and/or electrochemical resource recovery.

The most exciting science and greatest innovations are discovered at the interface of different research fields, so we are looking for someone creative and motivated to join our project.

The successful candidate will receive a three-year contract, with possible extensions based on performance. Salary will depend on the previous experience of the candidate, as evaluated by the members of the reviewing committee.



1.Synthesis of novel electrode materials using 3D printing.

2. Development of intercalation electrodes for selective electro-extraction of critical raw materials (CRMs).

3. Electrochemical characterization of the synthetized materials using cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and other techniques.

4. Surface characterization of the synthesized materials using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and other techniques.

5. Evaluation of the developed electrode materials for electrochemical recovery of lithium and other CRMs from industrial wastewaters and brines.

6. Analysis of water samples using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES).

7. Preparation of scientific publications and participation in international conferences.

8. As with all PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, a small proportion of the time will be allocated to communal services such as joint laboratory cleanings etc.



Must have – Required

Research Field or Field of knowledge:

Environmental Sciences.

Experts in material science, including additive manufacturing, from other research fields (e.g., batteries, sensors) are highly encouraged to apply.

Qualifications and Education Level:

Applicants must have a PhD on the topics related to the call.


Successful applicants are expected to have a demonstrated, high quality track record in their research field.

Required Languages:

Applicants must be proficient in English, both written and oral.

Required Experience:

Previous research experience in the field of synthesis and characterization of nanostructured electrodes, 3D printing, and/or environmental electrochemistry.

The call is open to both recently graduated PhD students (with singular experience demonstrable) as well as researchers with more years of research experience after PhD.



Experience in material science, including additive manufacturing, from other research fields (e.g., batteries, sensors).



Working conditions: Employed in compliance with Spanish legislation and regulations. Employees receive the benefits of the Spanish Social Security system covering sickness, maternity/paternity leaves and injuries at work.

International Environment: The opportunity to join a prestigious international research institution and become a member of a young and growing team.

Continuous training in a high-quality environment.



All Applications must be contain:


Motivation letter

DNI or NIE (valid and with work permit in Spain). If you do not have a NIE, please attach a statement that you commit to take the necessary steps to obtain a work and residence permit in Spain.

Three recommendation letters endorsing the applicant’s professional experience.

Academic Degrees


Deadline for Applications:

Submission of applications at ICRA – Offers

The deadline to submit the required documentation is 14/02/2025.


Selection process:

In accordance with the OTM-R principles, a gender-balanced recruitment panel is formed for every vacancy at the beginning of the process. After reviewing the content of the applications, the panel will start the interviews. A profile questionnaire as well as a technical exercise may be required during the process.



In ICRA we are committed to maintaining and developing a work environment in which the values and principles of our organization are respected and equal opportunities and equality of opportunity and treatment is promoted in each of the areas in which we operate, creating a context favorable to diversity and to eradicate any type of direct or indirect discrimination based on age criteria (within the limits set by the Workers’ Statute), marital status, racial or ethnic origin, social status, religion or convictions, political tendency, sexual orientation, sexual identity, gender expression, sexual characteristics, union membership or not, because of language, disability or because of sex, including any unfavorable treatment dispensed for the exercise of conciliation rights or co-responsibility of family and work life.
Recruitment will be carried out as provided for in Article 15 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995 of 24 March passing the text of the Workers’ Statute Act, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Royal Decree 2720/98 of 18 December (B.O.E. 8 January 1999), Act nº 12/2001 of July 9 (B.O.E. 10 July) and concordant regulations.
The principle of equality between men and women is taken into account, in accordance with Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution, the EU Directive of 9 February 1976 and the provisions of the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of March 4, 2005, passing the Plan for gender equality in the General State Administration.
Universal accessibility for persons with disabilities is taken into account, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Act nº 51/2003 of 2 December on equal opportunities, and 7% of vacancies are reserved provided the candidates pass the selection processes and are able to accredit disability and compatibility in performing the tasks so that we will progressively reach 2% of the total workforce.
Ensures effective compliance with the rights to equal treatment and non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and identity, gender expression or sexual characteristics of LGBTI people in the ICRA workplace, in accordance with Royal Decree 1026/ 2024, of October 8, which develops the planned set of measures for equality and non-discrimination of LGBTI people in companies.
Basic information on Data Protection Responsible: Fundació Institut Català de Recerca de l’Aigua (ICRA); Purpose: The selection of candidates for current and future jobs offered by our organization; Rights: You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights indicated in the additional information; Additional information: You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection on our website:
  • Application deadline

    13/12/2024 - 14/02/2025

  • Place


  • Salary

    29.900 € - 35.650 €

  • Contract duration

    36 months

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    • Curriculum Vitae*

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      Letter Introduction/Motivation*

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    • DNI / NIE / declaration that you undertake to take the necessary steps to obtain a work and residence permit in Spain*

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      Academic qualifications*

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    • Letter(s) of Recommendation*

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      Additional documentation (optional)

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